A lot to be Thankful for

Published On: December 4th, 2019|Categories: Blog|

Before we dive into the December holiday season, just a recap of what PlastiCert celebrated last week.

At a catered luncheon last Tuesday, HR set things up so we could all sit together spending some time catching up with each other. Second shift was brought in hours early to overlap with first shift and allow us all to be together. Just hanging out and talking about whatever is an underrated exploit. We also talked about what we as a company had to be thankful for, predominately the capability of our people to enable stellar results in 2019.

We acquired 2 new customers this last year

Eight of our top thirteen customers saw revenue increases, six of them were double digit

Our year-to-date revenues are running 16% higher than this point last year

We acquired a second customized copper wire stator winder from Japan for the Value Add area

We acquired a new sinker EDM machine for the mold build area

We ordered a new Vertical Opening, horizontal shot, injection molding press

We donated to numerous organizations and needs, both local and distant including three different scholarship programs at smaller colleges

Our Days Since Prior Lost Time Safety Counter sits at over 2450 days (saving you the math, that’s almost 7 years since someone had to miss a day of work due to an injury)

Our average tenure for FT Coworkers sits at 12.2 years

We then took some time to recognize those coworkers that had achieved milestone tenure anniversaries:

Terry, Zach, Justin and Matt all received PlastiCert hoodies for having passed 5 years of tenure

Terry, Craig, Dean, Ben, Cory, Lana, and Jody all received PlastiCert coats for having surpassed 15 years or more of tenure

We at PlastiCert are truly thankful for the opportunity to service our customers, work together in a positive and fruitful environment, and have the flexibility to meet both our work and home needs and commitments.

Here’s wrapping up a great 2019 and launching ourselves into an even better 2020!

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