A sincere thank you (a note to the PlastiCert coworkers)
I just wanted to extend a thank you and express deep respect for your efforts. These times are like nothing any of us have ever seen. Thinking all the way back to working my way through high school and college, into my 40 years of professional life, we’ve never seen a mass disruption of our daily lives like this. Not being able to go out and socialize at your favorite hangouts, not being able to see extended family, we yearn for some normalcy in our lives.
Included in that list is the routine of coming in to PlastiCert.
I have deep admiration for your having embraced our splitting of the workforce into groups and your adjusting to the new hours of operation. We appreciate your continued efforts to keep yourselves and your families safe, while contributing to fulfill our commitments to our customers.
There hasn’t been any complaining (at least to our ears anyway), any wavering in your dedication. We continue to ship the parts and assemblies our customers need to accomplish their own mission.
For that is what OUR mission is, and what we have been telling our customers for many years, we are here helping them “mold their future”.
We are after all, a service provider. We don’t sell products, we sell expertise, in a technology our customers do not possess. They rely on us to provide them their parts and assemblies that are necessary for them to be successful.
So to all of you I again say thank you. Continue to practice the distancing and cleaning we have been doing and we will come out the back side of this crisis poised for even greater success.