A weekend for families

Published On: May 9th, 2014|Categories: Blog|

A weekend for families

It’s one of the big ones, Mother’s Day Weekend! Here in Minnesota, Mother’s Day has always been a little tricky. For as long as I can remember, Mother’s Day coincides with the opening weekend of game fishing. In the Land of 10,000 Lakes, that makes for a big collision of events. Some people were lucky, in that their Mother was a Fisherwoman, and as such was on board for both events. Others were not so lucky, and as such had to make sure adequate deference was paid to both events that weekend! I fell into the latter group, although our mother enjoyed coming to the lake cabin and as such, at least we had her in close proximity. So this weekend, I hope you get to spend time with a Mother, yours, your kids’ or someone’s. While I will be seeing my mother to play some golf, first I get to introduce my daughter to turkey hunting. She asked about going and has prepared herself, so VERY early Sunday AM we will be heading into the fields before we shower our mothers’ with praise.

Hope your weekend is filled with family, friends, and fun!


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