Areas PlastiCert excels

Published On: March 9th, 2017|Categories: Blog|

We try to put information on our website highlighting the areas we can serve our customers. In order to facilitate the process of seeing if we can meet your needs, I will summarize the areas that PlastiCert excels.

Responsiveness – PlastiCert is a small and medium volume expert. One of the main advantages of having an average lot size of 3,000, is that molds are constantly being removed and other molds hung. The odds are good that we will be able to find an opening in our schedule and make parts that you need urgently. We also make a point of working to answer inquiries as quickly as we can, answering the phone personally when we can. With our advanced ERP system, we can give you feedback on your material and scheduling questions real time.

Technical Support – With the only Composites Engineering Degree program right down the road, we have an excellent technical staff that can work your component issues early, to help you avoid redesign time. Our internal staff of mold design and tool makers allow us to makes calls regarding BOTH mold design AND injection processing while talking to your design team real time.

Fair and consistent pricing – while we have lost business to price cutters, we stand by the pricing we offer at the time of quotation. Numerous projects we have lost due to pricing have ended up coming here eventually, as molds that do not work or parts that do not meet requirements. We have never failed to correct a situation and deliver parts, whether the mold came from here in the US, the Far East, or even Eastern Europe. Our engineers, technicians, and mold shop will work to correct your problem and get you parts.

Customers like what we do and stick with us over the long haul. Since our ERP system implementation 20 years ago, two of our customers have records dating back that far. Of the other established customers (more than 3 years of billings), the average tenure working with us is 14 years.

Come experience what others know and trust. Contact us today, you will not be sorry.

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