PlastiCert this week added a new customer to our growing list of partners. Business always [...]
Maintaining Balance
As a closely held corporation, PlastiCert does not receive a lot of direct scrutiny [...]
Celebrating our Coworkers
Maybe you are reading this before Labor Day weekend, or perhaps you have started your [...]
The Dual Source Quandary
Are you really limiting risk or just limiting options? One dynamic that has been a [...]
Insert Molding in a Small to Medium Volume World
One of the more challenging issues encountered for injection molding is interrupting the injection cycle. [...]
The humidity is a drag
Sitting on the deck, the view of the lake is great, but the feeling is [...]
A PEEK into the ULTEMate way to cool
Within the injection molding process, the back half of the process needs as much or [...]
Celebrating Interns
PlastiCert has been providing interns with work experience activities for nearly 20 years. We have [...]
How is that Business Ranking looking now?
A few weeks back, we blogged about the difference between states' ranking for business vs [...]
No Company is an Island
When we drafted our PlastiCert mission statement, we made sure to recognize that we as [...]
International Women in Engineering Day
International Women in Engineering Day, June 23rd, brought to you by Women’s Engineering Society (WES) [...]
D-Day and Manufacturing
Last week many followed the news coverage of the 80th anniversary of the June 6th [...]
PlastiCert – We’re a Plast…. no a Composite Injection Mold and Molding Provider
We are taught to have the 30 second elevator speech prepared. To communicate who PlastiCert [...]
Call early and then call often
If time to market is important to you (and who doesn’t think that?), for gosh [...]
Quality versus Quantity, every time
We took note of two surveys that released their results recently. Chief Executive Group released [...]
High School Awards and Scholarship Night
This week was Awards night at the local high school. Seniors were awarded certificates and [...]
You can only automate so much, people are the key, both finding new talent, and retaining existing.
There is a great deal of discussion in manufacturing about job openings not being filled. [...]
Questioning your molder choice due to automation?
Magazines, emails, newsletters, all touting automation and not just an answer but a savior of [...]