From our FAQ: How does a typical project get started?
A more in-depth answer or a question from our FAQ page: What is the typical [...]
Building a capable manufacturing process
An injection molder is no different from any other manufacturer needing to make good parts, [...]
Continuous improvement in the non-traditional area, business practices within the mold shop, provide the highest value we can for our customers.
PlastiCert has two distinct businesses under its roof. We have the volume injection molding business, [...]
How long does it take to build an injection mold?
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the length of time it takes [...]
What do I need to get a mold quote?
A good mold quote is much like many other facets of life. The quality of [...]
Company wellness includes taking a break
PlastiCert recently expanded its time off policies to include two additional holidays annually. We also [...]
One of our frequently asked questions is: What material should I use for my project?
We give a short answer on the FAQ page but it is accurate. It is [...]
Project Management tip: Contacting the mold designer and the injection molder does not come AFTER the part design is finished.
Why pay for expertise and not take advantage of it? If your molder is happy [...]
The Yin and Yang of molding, but under the same roof?
The Chinese philosophy of yin and yang, describes how apparently opposite or contrary forces are [...]
The choice is clear, or is it partly cloudy?
While Mechanical design engineers are always focused on form, fit, and function, there are typically [...]
Lean – Talk about needing a revamped title
At PlastiCert, we practice many of the aspects of Lean we just don’t call it [...]
ERP – It’s not just for the big boys!
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software provides a framework for everything a manufacturing company does. It [...]
PlastiCert, two hearts beating as one
Two hearts beating as one has been thrown around a lot in song and literature. [...]
3D Printing – It’s cool, but not ready for our prime time yet.
We have been watching the 3D printing revolution for a long time. As a plastic [...]
A mold is a mold is a mold?
More often than not, when customers of plastic injection molding regard the mold itself, concerns [...]
Deming’s 14 points– Make “transformation” everyone’s job
Our continuing ode to Dr. W. Edwards Deming and his book titled “Out of the [...]
Deming’s 14 points (cont)
Our continuing ode to Dr. W. Edwards Deming and his book titled “Out of the [...]
Give me all your toolmakers. Sorry, go fish.
There is a common thread running through the trade magazines and LinkedIn articles I [...]