Celebrating Howard
Today we again celebrate our Founder’s birthday. Howard Ysteboe traveled the world opening injection molding plants to make electrical connectors. He was on the National Board (Second Vice President) for the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) and word is he was a key player in the establishment of the first SPE chapter in Taiwan, S. Korea.
Howard eventually broke away and established PlastiCert. He was a modern-day Renaissance man, both technically and through business systems, driving his company to be widely successful. He made PlastiCert a leader in the areas of insert molding and micromolding. He oversaw the mold design and subsequent molding of complex insert molded connectors. He perfected the processing of micro molded parts that would look like a spec on the tip of your finger. All the while he managed the company and customer relationships necessary to grow the company. He was one of the first molding businesses to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software package tying the operational side of molding to the finance and accounting side of manufacturing.
We like to think that we honor Howard by continuing to shine at both the technical AND business side of injection molding. In being awarded our FOURTH Plastics Technology Top Shop award, we carry on his legacy of doing the difficult molding jobs in a controlled and well-run environment. We think he would be very pleased to see our assessment report from Top Shop, excelling at both the technical aspects but also, finance, business, and HR side.
So today we’ll have pastries in the morning like we do for all birthdays at PlastiCert. Instead of birthday greetings, we’ll look upward and say a little thanks. Thanking Howard for laying the groundwork for us to continue the legacy of providing our customers with the technical competency they require in a business environment that keeps us sustainable.
Need that kind of commitment for your molding components? Give us a call. While you cannot me Howard, his spirit lives on in PlastiCert’s successes.