End of The School Year

Published On: June 14th, 2022|Categories: Blog|

The last day of school is always a day worth noting.

Here at PlastiCert, we have several of them. One being the last day of college, which means we will be seeing some of our engineering student workers come in everyday all day, which is an exceptionally good thing.

Another last day of school is the local High School. You wouldn’t think it would affect us , but it has for years. PlastiCert has participated in Lewiston-Altura High School’s Work Readiness program for quite some time. This program allows students, some with developmental disabilities, come out into the workplace for a class period. They are assigned work tasks and learn both work skills as well as how to work with and interact with coworkers while doing their tasks. Preparing them for graduation and a chance to work productively afterward.

We’ve had numerous developmentally effected students come work with us over the years. One we even hired after he graduated. This year we had two brothers come and work with us. They were a delight to watch work together and interact with. For the final quarter of school, the older brother, a senior, went to work at another business. The younger of the two, kept coming to PlastiCert. It took some adjusting to not have his brother giving direction, but Jack was always happy to come in and engaged with everyone that was within earshot.

On some days Jack would come into my office to dust and clean and would ALWAYS rearrange the nick knacks on the top shelf of my bookshelf. He would arrange them, combine them, and move them in an orientation that made sense to him, the exact same way each day. Then I would put them back the way I had them, each day.

So, the school year is done. We will not have Jack visit any longer and we will be less for it. When he left for the last time, he said he will ask to come back to PlastiCert again next year. We would love to see that, but in any case, we’ll participate again next year.

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