Fillin’ up the space, expanding the portfolio

Published On: October 26th, 2022|Categories: Blog|

What else would you do with a new building addition but fill it up as quickly as you can? After moving over the Mold Design and Build shop, followed by the value-add operation and assembly area. We had a corner set aside for added injection molding presses.

The space did not sit empty long, although engineers being engineers, they had managed to put some things in the footprint that were not intended to be there.

Our newest injection molding press, a Cincinnati Milacron 55 Ton press has arrived and was put into place.

We have always sold PlastiCert as working at lower than standard capacity rates. A common trait among low to medium volume customers, is that their needs change rapidly and they often call or email needing parts quickly (read ASAP).

We’ve also sold PlastiCert as a high complexity, engineered resin part molder, turning away smaller, high volume, commodity resin, parts/programs.

Those two philosophies butted heads when a current customer approached us about making smaller, inexpensive, higher volume parts for them. We deferred then to one of their alternate vendors. Once sampled, the mold and molding did not meet their expectations. The customer returned and expressed their desire, in no uncertain terms, for us to take this on. We did, met their expectations, and they went to market. Along the way, their subcontractor that adds value to this part, noted that ours were also better than their present supplier. They also asked us to make this type of part for THEM as well.

A long way around the bend to say that our smaller press capacity was affected, and as such, the new 55 ton was brought on board. We are now making SOME higher volume, less expensive parts. Our forte is still complex parts using engineered resins, but for the right customer, we are flexible.

As the old saying goes, “success breeds success”.

Have a supplier that is struggling with “success”. Give us a call. We may be able to help you now that we have plenty of capacity across our entire press range again.

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