Growing up

Published On: March 11th, 2021|Categories: Blog|

PlastiCert turns 40 years young this week. After our intent to file was published on February 5&6, our original Articles of Incorporation were recognized by the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on March 12, 1981.

In reflecting on the evolution of PlastiCert, the company’s growth has almost a somewhat human element to it. We started out our infancy growing fast. We learned the skills and acquired the equipment to grow quickly, making small and micro sized injection molds and molding during our adolescent years. We stretched our boundaries and took some risks expanding into other markets and making acquisitions in our teens into early adulthood. We learned some lessons good and bad. We expanded into Minnesota, ended up putting all our operations there, even moved our incorporation to Minnesota. Now we are into our adult stage. Sound and confident in our direction, continuously learning and staying aware of the change going on around us. We have sold off the older equipment that helped us get here, buying new equipment with the money we saved up. We are protecting the foundation we have laid for our family going forward as we continue to secure our future.

PlastiCert has served nearly 55 different customers in the last 36 months, they average 13 years as a customer. What makes that number more interesting is that we have added 13 new customers in the last 3 years and the median of all our customers’ tenures is 16 years.

Bottom line is PlastiCert has done well to maintain relationships and win over prospective customers with our ability to help solve their problems and deliver results.

How has your relations been with your injection molder? Need to add to supplier that will consistently perform and stay off your “problem radar”? Give us a call or click through to our Contact Us page. Join the ranks of our long-time satisfied customer base.


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