Happy Anniversary to US!!
This year, PlastiCert celebrates its 40th year of delivering innovative and quality plastic injection molding design and manufacturing services.
We have blogged in the past about our founder. He was a stereotypical engineer in one sense, (technically driven and no fashion sense), but also had business sense and the ability to forge great customer relationships. He created a foundation of being highly technical and immense service to his customers providing cutting edge mold and molding capabilities to help them satisfy their customers’ needs.
PlastiCert’s early years were highly successful, specializing in smaller molding like electrical connectors, primarily for the automotive industry. There were rows of 10-ton presses and even smaller. We became experts at micromolding before micromolding was a thing.
Then the offshoring phenomenon hit. Smaller parts were easy prey to be resourced in the Far East with their low shipping cost. PlastiCert began to regress in revenues and size.
After the founder passed away unexpectedly, PlastiCert acquired the assets of a molding concern in Minnesota where they were focused on larger parts.
Minnesota saw the direction things were going and expanded their capabilities upward, increasing press sizes into 220 tons and then 440 tons. It took time, but more and more business was won utilizing those larger presses.
The great recession saw the original facility closed and the Minnesota operation became the future of PlastiCert.
Today half of PlastiCert’s presses are 200 ton or larger, topping out at 500 tons.
We will blog more in future weeks as we celebrate our 40 years of resilience and success. For now, feel free to browse our Blog and see where we have been and what we have been doing to assure PlastiCert is both viable and successful well beyond out 40th year.