Liking where we are at

Published On: August 9th, 2023|Categories: Blog|

How is life in your neck of the woods? It is quite awesome here in Minnesota. I am biased of course, born, and raised in Minnesota. That being said, I have traveled the country by train, plane, automobile, even bicycle. I have been to almost every state in the country. (Where haven’t I been? Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, not enough manufacturing activity to draw me there).

For all my travels, I have not been to a place I would prefer to reside in over Minnesota. And, according to the CNBC Channel’s Top States for Business 2023 ranking, they help make my case. For years various business groups have denigrated Minnesota as being anti-business. High in taxes, high in regulation, and low in making an easy buck. Well, CNBC says Minnesota ranks 5TH of all the states for doing business. That’s right FIFTH.

Granted, the Land of 10,000 lakes was ranked 39th in cost of doing business. It’s been the rub against Minnesota for years. So how did the other criteria raise it all the way up to 5th? Minnesota was 3rd in infrastructure and 4th in Life/Health/Inclusion. Looks like paying taxes has helped add to the quality of life. Add to that the state coming in 4th in Technical Innovation, 13th in Education and 17th in Workforce, seems Minnesotans are quite productive with that quality of life.

Counter that with; of the four states that rank WORST in Life/Health/Inclusion, three of them are in the overall bottom rankings, 41, 42, and 49 to be specific.

We read about being a great leader/manager is about making your focus your people and their success, rather than your own. Seems the same could be said for states and how they run their legislatures. It’s more about the company offering a quality lifestyle than the company’s ability to make money. I am not alone in my assessment either. Minnesota is home to 15 Fortune 500 company headquarters. Seems some much bigger entities than PlastiCert recognize that Minnesota has its advantages when you look at the BIGGER  picture and not just profits.

So, if you wonder how PlastiCert has survived. If you are wondering how we have been chosen as a Plastics Technology Top Shop 4 years in a row. If you are wondering how we were a two-time winner of the When Work Works Award for Workplace Flexibility & Effectiveness. Look no further than our roots and our environment.

We’re a winner in a winner state, and we could be molding for you! Give us a call.


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