When in Minnesota…

Published On: February 7th, 2014|Categories: Blog|

This weekend we are celebrating being Minnesotan here in Winona. The Winona Park & Recreation Department has resurrected the Winona Winter Carnival. Activities include:


Winona Park & Recreation Goose Bump Jump Ready Set School Chili Cookoff SMU Cardinal Plunge Winona Area Mountain Bikers (WAMB) Race Winona Area Basketball Organization (WABO) Tournament Winona Masons Sweetheart Dance Adult & Youth Ice Fishing Tournament The Re-Kindling Project Snowshoe Snowdown


Perhaps the most iconic and visibly stunning is the Goose Bump Jump. Raising funds for recreational programming, people PAY to jump through a hole in the ice and wade to shore in near freezing water. It is something that is worth doing (at least once). Many do it, some even in costume. All as a means of drawing attention to their particular cause AND to have a little fun. So if you are in the area, come on out, it WILL be a lot of fun. Oh and the forecast, a balmy 17 deg which is the best it has been in weeks. Someone is looking out for us!!


For more information:  http://www.cityofwinona.com/


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