Winona, the Music capitol of Minnesota!
What’s up for next weekend? Cancel it and head to Winona, the Music capitol of Minnesota!
Looking forward to next weekend, another one of the benefits of living in a college town come to light. There will be music galore going on around Winona and we will be a MUSIC DESTINATION!
At Winona State University, the music department will be hosting their big Gala Weekend. April 25, 26 & 27 you can see and hear all Winona State Music has to offer, jazz, choir and orchestra. The line-up can be found at:
Also that same weekend, the fifth rendition of the Mid West Music Fest takes place at 13 different stages all around Winona! Over 75 bands, all genre of music, films, and a birthday party all roll together to make Winona, THE music location in not just Minnesota but in the MID WEST!!!. You can check it out at:
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