Business goes on

Published On: May 28th, 2020|Categories: Blog|

While there is a great deal of angst in the working world, one fact remains, you have to keep moving forward. While we actively strive for a safe environment for our coworkers, and grieve for those we know that have succumbed to the pandemic, we have our eye on the future. Current financial conditions aside, PlastiCert has a capital improvement plan in place. The playing field may have shifted, but things still need to be done. The equipment we planned on upgrading or replacing is not getting any younger. Our building still requires preventative maintenance, and our need for additional space has not diminished.

We are fortunate in that we have won business from new customers during this pandemic. Our bookings are down for the summer, but we are optimistic about the shift of work from offshore back to the US.

Having already updated our mold design and build equipment, as well as added multiple new injection molding presses, we are still looking to replace our three largest injection molding presses. We are also in the throes of adding an addition onto our current building.

The last recession we sat back and sweated our ability to come out the other side. This time we are well prepared to take advantage of the slow down to make the improvements we have been planning. One plus is that with production diminished, our improvements will be less distracting.

So what is your molder doing during the pandemic, laying low or taking advantage? Give us a call if you would like to work with a progressive molder that can handle the here and now, but also be looking to the future.

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