Employer of Choice
Part of our mission statement includes a statement about recognizing the community around us. Nothing is more basic than supporting your local public education system.
PlastiCert has always offered ourselves to the community as a learning opportunity. We have had various classes come to PlastiCert to learn about manufacturing careers.
We have also applied ourselves to their activities and sports needs. PlastiCert donated $5,000 to be a Platinum Sponsor of their Sports and Activities. That enabled the school to live stream their games and activities so people that could not make it to the event could watch their children and grandchildren!
Last Spring, we donated $750 dollars so that elementary school children could go on an overnight to a regional environmental learning center.
For Homecoming, PlastiCert donated $1,000 to the Lewiston Lions for their Homecoming Chicken BBQ. Our money sponsored free meals for all the High School Fall Sports athletes that night.
Before hand we participated in their Homecoming Parade.
Annually, we offer thousands of dollars in scholarships to graduating seniors.
PlastiCert believes in being part of a strong community where we all prosper from each other’s talents and efforts. PlastiCert believes that character matters, and our coworkers recognize that we are not just a place where people come to work. We care about our community and we care about them.
Need a supplier that has character, believes in doing what is right and there are expectations on how we treat each other?
If so, give us a call. With Four annual Top Shop awards in our pocket, you know we can handle your technical needs, come talk to us to believe we are the ethical and honorable supplier you have been looking for.